Simply Barcodes understands the unique challenges facing those needing to create Coupon Codes. Customers often share with us that coupon codes seem so complicated. Many don’t understand why they need barcodes on their coupons. Others do not understand what information they must provide in order to create the coupon.
Simply Barcodes makes barcoding simple. You face numerous challenges marketing your product, so barcoding should not be one of them. Our service helps you achieve business success by ensuring that your Coupon Code displays the correct barcode and represents the correct information. With our guidance, rest assured knowing that you have secured the integrity of your product.
Coupon barcodes are currently transitioning from a very simple model of simply encoding a specific discount to a far more complex model of allowing for many different variables to be encoded.
The Evolution of Barcodes for Coupons
The Old Way
The Current Way
The Future
Coupon barcodes allow for more sophisticated marketing campaigns. Today’s barcodes for coupons can be created in two different formats:
 | The image shown here on the left (UPC format) is the older, legacy format of coupon. It encodes information relating the coupon back to your item, your family code, and the value of the coupon. It does not have the ability to encode an expiration date. It also has some limitations on percent-based discounts and other custom coupon offers. However, some smaller retailers with older systems may have an easier time scanning this style of barcode and may require its use for this purpose. |
 | The coupon barcode shown here on the right, referred to as a GS1 Databar, represents an upgrade to coupon code technology. This is the most common barcode used in today’s coupons. The GS1 Databar encodes a lot of information in a small space and represents the part of the coupon barcode where we can encode the most details of your promotion.
In this GS1 Databar portion of your barcodes for coupons, we can encode many rules such as:
- Exact expiration date
- Very specific purchase requirements (such as buy 2 get 1 free OR buy a specific item and get a discount on a different item purchased at the same time)
- Value of the coupon (such as $0.15 off)
- Whether you give the retailer permission to double the coupon
- Exact start of your coupon
- and many more. . .
For assistance, please call us at +1-404-869-0701 or 1-877-872-2060.
Options |
Description |
Cost |
Ordering Instructions |
Modern Standard Coupon
DataBar Format Coupon Barcode
Older Format Coupon
UPC Format Coupon Barcode
Both Formats
Use this option to purchase both DataBar and UPC formats, to ensure widest possible acceptance of the coupon
For further information regarding Barcodes for Coupons, please see our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
or call our team at 877-872-2060 or +1-404-869-0701 (international).
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